The following imprint applies to this website and our social media channels:
on Facebook:
on Instagram:
on Instagram:
Information in accordance with Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG):
ADWORK Designagentur GmbH
Donnerschweer Strasse 398
26123 Oldenburg
Tel. +49 441 39032 0
Fax +49 441 39032 22
Managing director: Marnie Metjengerdes-Stecker
Oldenburg district court trade register no. 5494
Tax no. 64/202/20878
VAT no. DE 813 926 568
Photo credits
All images on this website that are not separately otherwise indicated:
© ADWORK Designagentur GmbH
Product photos under Work/Cases and About us/Team:
© sigrun strangmann photography
Liability for content
As a service provider, we are responsible pursuant to Section 7 paragraph 1 TMG for our own content on these pages in accordance with the general statutory provisions. Pursuant to Sections 8 to 10 TMG, as service providers we are not obligated, however, to monitor transmitted or saved third-party information or to investigate circumstances that may indicate unlawful activities.
This is without prejudice to our obligation to remove or block the use of information in accordance with the general statutory regulations. Any liability in this respect is only established from the time that a concrete breach of the law is identified. If informed of any legal infringements, we will remove this content forthwith.
Liability for links
Our website contains links to third party websites. We have no control over the contents of such sites. We therefore do not assume any liability for the contents of any third party websites. Liability for the contents of linked sites always remains with the provider or operator of the respective website. Linked websites are examined for possible legal infringements at the time of linking. No illegal content was detected at the time the respective links were established.
However it is not feasible for us to permanently monitor the contents of linked websites without any concrete indications of a breach of the law. If informed of any infringements of rights, we will remove such links forthwith.
The contents and works placed on these pages by the site operator are protected by German copyright. Any copying, processing, dissemination and any type of exploitation not permitted under German copyright requires the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of these pages are permitted only for private, non-commercial use.
Third party copyright was observed in the preparation of any website content not belonging to the provider. Third party content is specifically labelled as such. We nevertheless request that you contact us if you discover any breach of copyright. If informed of any infringements of rights, we will remove such content forthwith.